Rotary Club of Mumbai Sher-E-Punjab - Rotary India

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Total Services 86
Donation of money to Dilip Soni

Dilip Soni facing financial crisis.Helped by RCMSEP members, with a. . .

Food for stray dogs paid.

Rotary for Animal Welfare paid for stray dogs.

Donation of LCD T.V.

Donated 32" LCD TV to Bal Bhavan, Home for the Girl Child Andheri W. . .

Cyber Security & Digital Literacy

A Workshop held for students of Lords Universal College on the topi. . .

Almirah Donation

RCMSEP donated 2 full sized cupboards wooden steel to Dignity Found. . .

E Waste Collection Drive

324 Kg of E Waste collected and sent to District team for further r. . .

Used Desk - benches donation

RCMSEP in partnership with Guru Nanak English School donated 25, 2 . . .

Medical Help

Paid for hospitalisation of a cerebral palsy patient. She was provi. . .

Collection of Newspapers & Recycling

The Interact Club of Guru Nanak Brave Hearts supported by RCMSEP or. . .

Donation of cut pieces.

9 bags containing cut pieces of clothes were collected and sent to . . .


RCMSEP planned a Beauty Pageant focusing on beauty of mind and soul. . .

Old Fridge donated to Guru Nanak English School.

Old Fridge given for staff room of Guru Nanak English High School.

Payment of medical Bills for a needy patient.

Medical Bill paid of Balvinder Kaur

Colouring Competition

The ICGNBH supported by RCMSEP organised colouring competition for . . .

CPR Training

CPR Training organised for students of Maruti School. Resource pers. . .

Books donated & Workshop

Robotics workshop organised for primary section children followed b. . .

Donation of 3 seater sofa and centre table

Donation of 3 seater sofa and centre table to Dignity Foundation - . . .

Desk Bench Project

RCMD team supplied 2583 seater desk benches for one class and RCMSE. . .

Ration Donation VDIS

Donation of ration for the 25 specially abled children of VDIS Host. . .


Rotary Initiative to support education.


Rotary Initiative to support animals.

Crutches for physically disabled person.

A pair of new aluminium crutches was donated to a disabled person.

Teaching Computer to students of Guru Nanak School

the Rotractors of JES College teach computers to the syudents of Gu. . .

Mummy,s Kitchen Day

ICGNBH children prepared breakfast for the school children which in. . .

Blankets &Toys Donation to tribals of Karjat.

Blankets and toys distributed to the tribals of the Karjat to save . . .

Visit to Cheshire Home.

ICGNBH distributed samosa and pav to the students and arents of the. . .

Nutritional Snacks Kits for HIV children.

Nutritional Snacks Kits distributed to HIV children staying at Desi. . .

Blanket Distribution

Blankets distributed to pavement dwellers at 11.00 pm at night.

Old Television set Donated

Old TV donated for students of Guru Nanak School

Christmas celebration specially abled children

Christmas Festival was celebrated with specially abled children of . . .

Spreading Smiles

For the senior citizens living in old age home Interact Club of Gur. . .

Workshop on Digital Detox.

RCMSEP organised a workshop along with ICGNB a workshop to empower . . .


Lunch was organised by RCMSEP for the senior citizens staying at D. . .

Nutrition Ration Kits Donation

100 nutrition ration kits were distributed by RCMSEP to 100 familie. . .

Mummys Kitchen

Making healthy breakfast item for Guru Nanak school children.

Beautification of school campus Tree Plantation.

Tree Plantation - Trees were collected , pots were painted, soil mo. . .

Nurture ou Nature

To create awareness on protection of our mother nature ICMV organis. . .

Dental Check Up

Free Dental Check Up Camp conducted for students of Maruti School. . . .

Donated Laptop

HP Laptop given to Priyanka a college student and daughter of a hou. . .


Saving the life of a dog

Donation of a Printer

An All in One Printer donated to VB Patil Jr. College Haladpada Dah. . .

Wheelchair donated

A tricycle wheelchair was donated to Deonath Pande who cannot walk.


Paid fees of Nikita for classes of 10th Std

Donated Laptop

A student of Angel Express pursuing BCA was given second hand lapto. . .

Donation study table and chair to MBA foundation

A study table and office chair was donated for the office of MBA fo. . .

library Books donated

Dr. Sunita Sharma donated full series of World Books to Guru Nanak . . .

The People of Action

Fire victims of Bhangarwadi helped by soldiers of RCMSEP.

Fire in Bhangarwadi

RCMSEP soldiers marched to help victims of fire in Bhangarwadi.

Annapoorna for victims of Bhangarwadi

A massive fire erupted in the slums and shops of Bhangarwadi , the . . .


FEESHIP given to needy students.


Doctor charges paid for treatment of a cat.

Diwali with Child Patients

Diwali celebrated with child patients of SRCC Hospital . They were . . .


Annapoorna was organised for street side migrant workers families a. . .

Annapoorna for streetside families.

Annapoorna was organised for the migrant workers families living al. . .

Chairs and Tables donated to Together Foundation.

124 Chairs and Tables were given to Together Foundation which is fo. . .

Water Filter to Together Foundation

Water Filter donated for special children of Together Foundation.

Feeship for underprivileged of JES College.

Gur Samarath Foundation sponsored feeship for 20 needy students wh. . .

Breast Cancer and Eye Check Camp

Breast Cancer and Eye Camp was conducted for the servants who come . . .

Diwali Garba celebration MBA School.

The members of RCMSEP joined for garba celebration with special chi. . .

Story Telling

Maruti School Ms. Snehal conducted story Telling session

Cupboards & Tables for Adarsh Vidyalaya

As per requirements of Adarsh Vidyalaya RCMSEP donated 3 storage cu. . .

Nutritional Kits to HIV and Transgender community

Nutritional Ration Kits were distributed to families of HIV patient. . .

Rotary Initiative for Animal Welfare

A total donation of Rs. 10,000/- was made for Rotary Animal Welfare. . .

Walk with the Doctor.

Dr Akshay Mehta on the eve of World Health Day conducted a session . . .

Bag Desks given to children of Junoon Foundation.

Bag Desks under CSR activity of M/S AAK India Ltd.

Registration for Govt Schemes

A camp was held at Oberoi Splendor to register the underprivileged . . .

Smart Girl Workshop for adolescent girls.

A step towards women empowerment a workshop for adolescent girls.

Women Empowerment - Smart Girl

A workshop for adolescent girls for 2days titled Smart Girl


RCMSEP & Gur Samarath Foundation presented a Dell Laptop to Stray H. . .


Donated 2 Whiteboards to Guru Nanak School.


RCMSEP donated ration kits to the poor migrant families staying on . . .

Teachers Day Celebration

22 teachers of Guru Nanak School were invited at Sher e Punjab Gymk. . .

Bag your Desk

RC of Mumbai Garden City sponsored the Bag cum Desk which were dist. . .


Idli and snacks served to students of ALM Park

Text Books Project at Vikramgad schools.

Distribution of Text Books to the students of municipal schools at . . .

Story Reading Activity at RC Maruti School.

Story Reading class conducted by Ms. Snehal.


Rotary Initiative for Animal Welfare


Pay fees for underprivileged children.

Story Telling Classes

small children told stories by rotary volunteers.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

For the school kids of RC Maruti School a free Eye Testing camp was. . .

SBI Zero Balance Account

RCMSEP & Gur Samrath Foundation organised a free camp for opening S. . .

Free Health Check Up Camp

A free health check Up Camp was conducted for the benefit of housem. . .

Blood Donation Camp

Co hosted Blood Donation Camp at Andheri East Station.

Story Telling at R.C. Maruti School

Small children given moral education by telling stories.


RCMSEP participated in the distribution of ration kits to needy . . . .

Celebration of Raksha Bandhan with old people

Raksha Bandhan celebrated with the residents of Cheshire Home for d. . .

Donated Long Books and a Workshop on Robotics

250 Long Books given to students of primary section and a workshop . . .

Wheel Chair gifted

Dinesh Banodkar had identified Balu Banodkar from Sangamner Nashik . . .


Food packets distributed to the needy patients of Holy Spirit Hospi. . .

Payment of fees of needy students.

Esha Gajanan Lad 11th Commerce 5000 Sneha Arvind Gupta BBI. . . .

Disability to Ability

Asha Inder Kumar Khosla provided hearing Aid.


Help the needy students of underprivileged families to continue the. . .


The slum children of ALM Park provided snack packets, notebooks and. . .

Old Age Home at Naigaon

Old Age Home at Naigaon takes care of the abandoned elderly on road. . .

AAyushman Bharat and Majhi Laadki Behen Yojana

The government scheme Aayushman Bharat and Majhi Laadki Behen Yojan. . .

RISE Rotary Initiative for Student Excellence

Donation of uniforms of 44 students of Band Squad of Guru Nanak Sch. . .

Vastra Mela

The members collected the old branded clothes which were sold at no. . .

Water Filter donated.

A water filter donated to Brahmand Old Age Home housing orphan chil. . .

Guruprasad at MBA Foundation School

Entertainment program and food served to the specially abled childr. . .

Mega Blood Donation

Co hosting of Mega Blood Donation Camp at Andheri Railway Station

Baagbaan Disability to Ability

Entertainment program organised for specially abled children and el. . .